Structural CD Series, Seismic Edition
To view the following selections, click on a topic in the list for a full explanation. After viewing any topic, you must return to this page to...
CIRIA Reports (Construction Industry Research and Information Association)
CIRIA is the construction industry research and information association.As a neutral, independent, not-for-profit body, we link organisations with common interests and facilitate a range...
British Standards Complete Collection
British Standards are simply ways of doing or making something that is agreed to be the best way of doing it. Or to put...
AWS Specifications and Standards
The American Welding Society (AWS) was founded in 1919 as a multifaceted, nonprofit organization with a goal to advance the science, technology and application...
AISC Steel Design Guides
The American Institute of Steel Construction, often abbreviated AISC, is a not-for-profit technical institute and trade association for the use of structural steel in...
Detailing for Steel Construction
A handbook for steel detailers, keyed to the 2nd Edition LRFD Manual of Steel Construction. Contains instruction, explanations, problem solutions and many typical shop...
AISC Manual of Steel Construction
These design examples illustrate the application of the AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings and the Steel Construction Manual. Design examples are free for...
Standar Nasional Indonesia (disingkat SNI) memang adalah satu-satunya standar yang berlaku secara nasional di Indonesia. SNI dirumuskan oleh Panitia Teknis dan ditetapkan oleh Badan...
ACI (American Concrete Institute) Code Collection
The American Concrete Institute (ACI) is a leading authority and resource worldwide for the development and distribution of consensus-based standards, technical resources, educational programs,...
ASTM 2014 Standards
Section 1— Iron and Steel Products
Volume 01.01 Steel—Piping, Tubing, Fittings
Volume 01.02 Ferrous Castings; Ferroalloys
Volume 01.03 Steel—Plate, Sheet, Strip, Wire; Stainless Steel Bar
Volume 01.04 Steel—Structural,...