Beranda LOWONGAN Koordinator Proyek Retail PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia

Koordinator Proyek Retail PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia


Koordinator Proyek Retail

Min 1 tahun (Pegawai (non-manajemen & non-supervisor))

Indonesia – Jakarta Raya – Ancol, Jakarta Utara


Deskripsi Kerja :
  • Melakukan perencanaan dan pelaksanaan kebutuhan pembangunan toko dari awal hingga toko siap digunakan.
  • Melakukan Koordinasi dengan vendor  dalam proses renovasi dan pembangunan toko.
  • Melakukan pengawasan proyek toko hingga selesai dan meminimalisir masalah yang terjadi selama prose berlangsung
Kualifikasi :
  • Pendidikan minimal S1 teknik sipil dengan IPK minimal 2.75 dari skala 4.00
  • Memiliki pengalaman sebagai pengawas proyek retail minimarket minimal 1 tahun lebih diutamakan
  • Siap bekerja di lapangan dan mobile ke beberapa titik proyek
  • Mampu membuat RAB ( Rencana Anggaran Bangunan)


WASPADA terhadap penipuan “pemanggilan test seleksi calon karyawan” yang mengatasnamakan
PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia.
PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia TIDAK PERNAH memungut biaya ataupun
bekerja-sama dengan travel agent  dalam proses perekrutan karyawan.
Konfirmasi lebih lanjut hubungi Telp. 021-6919999

Jl. Ancol VIII, No 1, Ancol Barat


Waktu Proses Lamaran

Lebih dari 2 minggu


Agrikultural/Perkebunan/Peternakan Unggas/Perikanan

Nomor Telepon


Ukuran Perusahaan

Lebih dari 5000 pekerja

Waktu Bekerja

Waktu regular, Senin – Jumat

Gaya Berpakaian

Bisnis (contoh: Kemeja)


Parkir, Kesehatan, Gigi

Bahasa yang Digunakan

Bahasa Indonesia

PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk (“the Company”) is Indonesia’s largest producer of poultry feed, day old chicks and processed chickens. The Company was established in 1972 as the first high-volume feed mill in Jakarta manufacturing premium quality poultry feed.
Today, the Company is focused on agro-business activities that encompass the entire spectrum of the poultry business, from the production of superior feed products, to the breeding of fast-growing, disease-resistant poultry stock and to the creation of high quality processed poultry products.
Central to the growth of the Company’s agro-business activity is the commitment to engage in all facets of the entire production chain, from feed formulation to poultry stock to processed, value-added poultry products. This approach has proved highly successful in ensuring both the reliability of supply for our own production and the requirements of the industry as well as consistent quality of poultry feed and poultry products across the nation. Poultry feed is the cornerstone of the Company’s business. The Company is the country’s largest and most successful producers of high quality poultry feed.
From a single feed mill in Jakarta, the Company has grown to meet the country’s challenge for reliable and high quality poultry feed with a network of production facilities in Balaraja (West Java), Semarang (Central Java), Sepanjang and Krian (East Java), Bandar Lampung (Lampung), Medan (North Sumatra) and Makassar (South Sulawesi). Collectively, these feed mills make the Company the country’s single largest producer of poultry feed. Just as important, this network of feed mills is strategically constructed to serve the need of poultry farmers across the entire archipelago. The Company’s reputation as a reliable producer of high poultry feed is based on low feed conversion ratios and a wide range of high quality feed products, both of which are crucial to quality conscious poultry farmers.


An extensive network of distributors and agents support the Company’s activities, ensuring that Indonesian poultry farmers – no matter where they are – have timely easy access to our feed products.
The Company is also the dominant force in the production and supply of poultry breeding stock for layer and broiler chicken in Indonesia. As with poultry feed, the Company is the large producer of high quality DOC for Indonesian farmers thanks to an extensive network of breeding facilities across Java, Kalimantan, Bali, Sulawesi and Sumatra.
While poultry feed and poultry breeding activities have historically been the main agro-business focus, the Company has also responded to the rising poultry consumption by expanding into poultry processing and production of high value-added poultry products. This is carried out at the Company’s own slaughterhouse and processing plant in Cikande (West Java), Salatiga (Central Java) and Surabaya (East Java).
Vision and Mission
  • Feed A Growing World
  • To produce and market the highest quality and innovative feed, day old chicks and food products.

PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia TIDAK PERNAH memungut  biaya ataupun bekerja sama dengan agen travel dalam proses perekrutan karyawan.

Untuk saat ini lowongan pekerjaan dari PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia
ditayangkan melalui media online resmi :
• Twitter : – @BUHCPB
• Situs Career Center Universitas

Jika ragu terhadap lowongan pekerjaan yang mengatasnamakan
PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia pada media online selain yang disebutkan di atas dapat konfirmasi lebih lanjut dengan menghubungi :
Email resmi:
Telp: (021) 691-9999

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