Civil 3D AutoCAD – program based on the platform of AutoCAD and designed for surveyors, designers of the general plan, the designers of linear structures. A key feature of the program is the intelligent link between the objects, which dynamically update all linked objects in amending the results of research or design solutions.
Thanks to these capabilities, as the transfer of field data, automated calculations and drawing tools AutoCAD Civil 3D to optimize all processes associated with the construction of engineering structures. AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011 brings together the entire cycle of design work – from geodetic surveys to the construction of the object.
Main advantages
– The rapid formation of the concept and implementation of the project;
– Flexible design, based on the interaction of objects, allowing to achieve the accuracy and coherence of all parts of the project;
– Multi-user access to the project and its elements;
– The possibility of rapid development, project evaluation and preparation of output documents;
– Combination of drawing possibilities AutoCAD and specialized design features;
– A rich set of API functions (Application Programming Interface) that allows you to build solutions based on a common data model;
– The ability to increase functionality;
– Dynamic engineering model that contains the basic elements of geometry and maintains intelligent relationships between objects (point, surface, land, roads, and planning);
– Support of drawing standards and styles;
– Automatic generation of plans;
– Functionality of AutoCAD the Map 3D
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Afryandy A Abbas
Afryandy A Abbas
5 months ago

halaman tidak ditemukan semua linknya pak

nanang warno
nanang warno
1 year ago

creck gak ada yg jalan…gimana pak budi..?

Sigit Rudityo
8 years ago

AutoCAD Civil 3D for surveyor tidak bisa dibuka ,,,, hanya ada pesan : “Ooops … Kesalahan 404
Maaf, tapi halaman yang Anda cari tidak ada”