Beranda REVIT REVIT ARCHITECTURE Lynda BIM Manager Managing Revit

Lynda BIM Manager Managing Revit


Gain insight on how building information modeling (BIM) managers use Revit, and how you can align this software with your company’s standards and workflow. To begin, create custom borders and shared parameters, and add a symbol list. Next, create custom templates using filters, phasing, and project browser organization. This course shows you how to perform these steps and how to model callout tags, elevation markers, sections, and levels, as well as how to set up a typical Revit work-sharing environment and master details model.


Pembicara : Erick Wing
Bahasa : English
Format : .mp4
Durasi : 02:41:00
Ukuran : 529 Mb


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Daftar disini

Welcome 38s
Using the exercise files 46s
1. Company-Wide Workflow
Getting all of your ducts in a row 2m 33s
General options 5m 24s
Setting up the Revit folder structure 3m 34s
Creating company-wide borders 10m 4s
Creating a revision schedule 4m 37s
Creating company-wide cover sheets 7m 59s
Creating shared parameters 4m 35s
Configuring keynotes 6m 37s
Adding a symbol list 4m 27s
Adding a drawing list 7m 7s
Creating a startup page 6m 17s
2. Global Template Content
Deciding on and configuring your text 4m 18s
Deciding on and configuring your dimensions 6m 16s
Creating line types, weights, and patterns 4m 51s
Setting up general annotations and tags 3m 57s
Creating a view title 6m 21s
Understanding phasing 4m 10s
Configuring the Project Browser 4m 30s
Managing content 2m 16s
Creating filters 3m 36s
Configuring the underlay settings 2m 12s
Creating custom callouts 3m 27s
Creating custom elevations 6m 43s
Creating custom sections 5m 37s
Creating custom grids 5m 18s
Creating a level head 4m 17s
View templates 7m 12s
3. File Sharing
Setting up a typical Revit worksharing enviornment 3m 4s
Working with worksets 3m 4s
Detaching a model 1m 53s
Model maintenance 3m 27s
4. Master Details
Setting up a master details model 1m 37s
Importing CAD details 3m 22s
Cleaning up the CAD details 3m 6s
Importing views from a master details model 1m 41s
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eko sudarusman
eko sudarusman
1 year ago

Lynda BIM Manager Managing Revit

can’t download ….