Csi Safe (Foundation and slab Design)
Slabs,beam, and foundations Design using Safe software
What you'll learn
Isolated footing design
Strip footing Design
Raft Design
Combined footing Design
Strap beam design
Pile Caps design
Eccentric footing Design
Solid slab Design
Autodesk Structural Robot R.C.C Villa Design in UAE
Modeling, analysis and design of 4 stories Villa in UAE using AutoDesk Robot software
What you'll learn
Introduction to Structural design Concept
How we can begin with...
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Steel Design
Bahasa,: English
Durasi,: 00:24:59
Format,: mp4
Ukuran,: 176 Mb
Analysis, Designing and Documenting of RCC Swimming pool using Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2020
Analysis, Designing and Documenting of RCC Swimming pool - Robot
Structural Analysis Professional 2020
Duration 33 Mins
Language English
Format MP4
Size 39.1 MB
Advanced SACS Level III: Part6
Upending and Onbottom stability analysis
What you'll learn
upending analysis calculation
onbottom stablity calculation
upending analysis by using sacs
onbottom stability by using sacs
have a knowledge about SACS and...
Advanced Sacs Level Iii:Part5
Seafastening, transportation and Launching analysis
What you'll learn
the way of doing seafastening analysis
working with the transportation module
launching analysis
launching analysis by sacs
to know how to use...
Advanced Sacs Level Iii:Part 4
Load out, and Lifting analysis
What you'll learn
Loadout analysis
Lifting analysis
how to do lifting analysis by SACS
How to do loadout by SACS
he/her sould be familiar with...
Advanced Sacs Level Iii: Part3
Seismic and Pushover analysis
What you'll learn
How to do analysis for seismic
Steps of seismic calculation by SACS
pushover analysis
pushover analysis by sacs
it is required to be...
Advanced Sacs Level Iii :Part2
Dynamic and Fatigue analysis
What you'll learn
real project for dynamic analysis calculation
example for fatigue calculation
the way of doing fatigue analysis
The dynamic analysis calculation method by...
Advanced Sacs Level Iii-Part1
Project drawings and inplace analysis
What you'll learn
example for applying sacs on complete project
eaxmple for inplace analysis and dynamic analysis
example for drawings for a real...