CIRIA is the construction industry research and information association.As a neutral, independent, not-for-profit body, we link organisations with common interests and facilitate a range of collaborative activities that help improve the industry.
- CIRIA Guide To The Reinforced Concrete Arabian Peninsula
- CIRIA 104 Embedded Retaining Walls in Stiff Clay
- CIRIA C515 Groundwater Control – Design and Practice
- CIRIA C515 Groundwater Control Design and Practice
- CIRIA C516 Gravity Retaining Walls
- CIRIA C517 Temporary Propping of Deep Excavation
- CIRIA C534 Civil Engineering Design And Construct
- CIRIA C543 Bridge Detailing Guide
- CIRIA C551 Manual on scour at bridges and other hydraulic structures
- CIRIA C562 Geophysics in Engineering Investigations
- CIRIA C580 Embedded retaining walls
- CIRIA C581 Facilities Management Manuals a Best Practice Guide
- CIRIA C589 retention of masonry facades
- CIRIA C623 Standards for the Repair of Buildings Following Flooding
- CIRIA C632 Guidance on gazing at height
- CIRIA C637 Soil Nailing Best Practice
- CIRIA C641 EC7 Geotechnical Design Implications for UK Practice
- CIRIA C659 Assessing Risks posed by Hazardous Gound Gases to Buildings C659
- CIRIA C660 R91 Early age thermal cracking
- CIRIA C683 The Rock Manual
- CIRIA C689 Culvert Design
- CIRIA C697 The SUDS Manual
- CIRIA C698 Construction of SUDS
- CIRIA Design Of Reinforced Flat Slabs To BS 8110 (CIRIA 110)
- CIRIA G1 Anchor Block Design
- CIRIA G1Anchor Block Design
- CIRIA G2 Design of Deep Beams in Reinforced Concrete
- CIRIA G25 Site Investigation Manual
- CIRIA G3 Structural Action in Steel Box Girders
- CIRIA Ground Engineering Report – Prefabricated Vertical Drainsdesign and Performance
- CIRIA Guide To The Reinforced Concrete in Arabian Gulf
- CIRIA PG2 Review of problems associated with the construction of cast in place concrete piles
- CIRIA PG3 Use Influence of Bentonite Bored Pile
- CIRIA PG7 Pile load testing procedures
- CIRIA R099 Composite beams slabs
- CIRIA R102 Design of shear wal buildings
- CIRIA R102 Design of shear walls
- CIRIA R119 Guide on the Use of Groynes in Coastal Engineering
- CIRIA R121 Design of low-lift pumping stations
- CIRIA R155 Bridge Design for improved buildability
- CIRIA R156 Infiltration Drainage
- CIRIA R163 Construction of bunds for oil storage tanks
- CIRIA R168 design of culverts
- CIRIA R181 Piled Foundation in weak rock
- CIRIA R181 Piled Foundation in week rocks
- CIRIA R74 Friction Loss During Prestressing
- CIRIA R77 Prop Loads in Large Braced Excavation
- CIRIA R89 Behaviour Of Reinforced Concrete flat slabs
- CIRIA R91 Early age Thermal Crack Control in Concrete
- CIRIA R93 Painting of Steelwork
- CIRIA R98 Material Durability in agressive ground
- CIRIA SP125 Control of Risk A Guide to the Systematic Management of Risk From Construction
- CIRIA SP129 Value management in construction-a clients guide
- CIRIA SP147 Trenchless and minimum excavation techniques planning and selection-CPS
- CIRIA SP25 Site Investigation Manual
- CIRIA SP83 1991 Manual for the Use of Rock in Coastal and Shoreline Engineering
- CIRIA TN107 Design for Movement in Building
- CIRIA TN108 Flexibility Coefficients for Design of Pile and Pile Group
- CIRIA TN98 Design Guidance Note For Friction Grip Bolted Connections
- CIRIA w001 Best practice guidance for site characterisation Safety
- CIRIA w008 The Lively Minds Club
- CIRIA R103 Design of Laterally Loaded Piles
- CIRIA R104 Embedded Retaining Walls Stiff Clay
- CIRIA R108 Concrete Pressure on Formwork
- CIRIA R110 Design Of Reinforced Flat Slabs To BS 8110
- CIRIA R144 Integrity testing in piling practice
- Designed and Detailed – Eurocode 2
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