Beranda Teknik Sipil QGIS Vector Analysis

QGIS Vector Analysis


This is seventh video tutorial of QGIS. It is about vector analysis. It contains example problem. The objective is to ask a question and solve it using analysis tools.


  1. The GIS Process:
    1. State the Problem
    2. Get the Data
    3. Analyze the Problem
    4. Present the Results
  2. The Problem:
    1. It needs to be in Swellendam.
    2. It must be within reasonable driving distance of a school (say 1km).
    3. It must be more than 100m squared in size.
    4. Closer than 50m to a main road.
    5. Closer than 500m to a restaurant.
  3. The data:
    1. The residential properties (buildings) in the area.
    2. The roads in and around the town.
    3. The location of schools and restaurants.
    4. The size of buildings.
  4. Solution:
    1. Vector > Geoprocessing Tools > Buffer
    2. Vector > Geoprocessing Tools > Intersect
    3. Vector > Research Tools > Select by Location
    4. Layer > Query (ctrl + F)
    5. Field Calculator (press ctrl + I in attribute table window)
    6. Creating Data by downloading OSM file (osm_data.osm) of given region. lat: -33.9757, -34.0877 Lon: 20.353, 20.5278
    7. Extraction following data:
    8. Convert crs to 34S
    9. Buffer road to 50m and schools to 1KM
    10. Find overlaping area by intersect and save it as road_school_buffers_intersect.shp
    11. Select houses in that region by location and save it to well_located_houses.shp.
    12. Create buffer to resturant and save it as houses_restaurants_500m.
    13. Repeat step 7.
    14. Select Buildings of the Right Size by creating area column and using query filter (ctrl + F).
    15. Saving result in solution.shp

Below is the full video lecture. Use full screen for clear content of video.


Penulis :
Penerbit :Sipilpedia
Bahasa : Inggris
Durasi :
Format : MP4
Ukuran : 9 Mb


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